Analysis of the Blood Pressure Level of Lawyers in Shanghai in 2006 2006年上海地区律师血压状况分析
Measurement of sound pressure level for sound signal appliances by seagoing vessel GB/T12303-1990海船声号器具的声压级测量
Objective To evaluate the type and incidence of arrhythmia in patients with essential hypertension and it correlation with blood pressure level and cardiovascular risk factors. 目的探讨首次诊断的原发性高血压患者心律失常的发现率、类型及其与高血压水平和心血管危险因素的关系。
A stereo effect is achieved through differences in sound pressure level between two microphones. 立体声效果是通过在不同的声压水平之间的两个话筒。
Objective To analyze adolescent blood pressure level and its relation to growth indexes. 目的分析青少年血压水平,了解血压与生长发育指标的关系。
Dipole Source Identification in Last Stage of Propylene Compressor Metal-cutting machine tools& Measurement method of sound pressure level 丙烯压缩机末级偶极子气动声源识别GB/T16769-1997金属切削机床噪声声压级测量方法
Sea-bottom reverberations would extrapolate back-wards in time to a zero member. We get and analysis the data of the reverberation, noise and acoustic pressure level of the Conference Hall and Lecture Hall in some northern university in measurement. 海底交混响就是按时间外推到一种时间零值的。实测和分析了北方某大学的甲报告厅和乙会议厅的混响时间、景噪声、场级等数据。
Sound Pressure Level ( SPL) Sound pressure level is a measurement of the pressure fluctuations of a sound wave as it propagates through the air. 声压级别声压级别是表示在空气中传播的声波的起伏压。
Afterwards, the venting system automatically re-seals itself when the gas pressure level returns its normal rate. 气压水平回到它的标准比例后,通风系统会自动进行再封闭。
Bypass Valve with nominal diameter of the same nominal diameter pipeline, pressure level pressure level is also consistent with the process. 旁路阀公称直径与管道公称直径相同,耐压等级也与工艺耐压等级一致。
AQ12 has a true natural performance of its greatest feature is lightweight and has a higher sound pressure level, it needs to meet a lot of small speakers and a small space to meet the occasion. AQ12有着真实自然的表现,其最大的特点就是轻巧而又拥有较高的声压级,恰恰满足了很多需要小巧音箱而满足小空间的场合。
Uncertainty in Measurement on Sound Pressure Level of Horn for Motor Vehicle 机动车用喇叭声压级测量不确定度分析
Higher sound pressure level ( SPL) favored both collision efficiency and agglomeration kernel, so acoustic agglomeration increased in the higher-intensity acoustic field. 声压级增大不仅使团聚核函数增大,也增大了碰撞效率,使高声压级时的团聚更有效。
Here, some problems about the influence of confining pressure level, also the over-consolidation and anisotropy of fill materials due to compaction procedure during construction were discussed too. 本文还对围压水平影响、碾压施工所造成的土料超固结和各向异性等问题作了简单的讨论。
Combining with the national and foreign related standards, the selection of SPL ( Sound Pressure Level) of sound reinforcement system is discussed in terms of technique and implement. 从技术和实际应用角度,结合国内外相关标准,对扩声系统声压级的设置进行了论述。
Pressure in the compressor system to be dropped to atmospheric pressure level! 将压缩机系统内的压力降至大气压!
This simple treatment also rationalizes the observed insensitivity of burning rates to chemical factors and pressure level. 这个简单表达式也能解释观测到的燃烧速率对化学因素和压力量级的不敏感性。
Metal-cutting machine tools& Measurement method of sound pressure level GB/T16769-1997金属切削机床噪声声压级测量方法
Research of the relationship between blood pressure level and obesity of school-age children aged 10-12 years old in Zhanjiang 湛江市10~12岁学龄儿童血压水平及其与肥胖关系研究
Objective To probe into relationship between blood pressure level, type of hypertension and blood flow velocity of carotid artery. 目的探讨血压水平和高血压类型与颈动脉血流速度的关系。
Forecast of Sound Pressure Level of Gear Systems and Fault Diagnosis Based on Acoustics 齿轮系统噪声预估及声诊断方法研究
Objective To study of the effect intensity of blood viscosity on the blood pressure level. 目的研究血液粘滞度对血压水平的影响程度。
Blood pressure level and the wrist circumferences had no influence on the measurement errors. 血压值的水平及手腕周长对测量误差无影响。
In the heating system, water, as the medium and carrier of heat energy, its pressure level influences the heating quality and the safe operation of system directly. 在供热系统中水作为工作介质和热能的载体,其压力高低直接影响着供热质量和系统的运行安全。
Measurement and calculation of sound pressure level and sound power level. 声压级及声功率级的测量和计算。
And stepwise regression analysis demonstrates that BMI and the diastolic blood pressure level, the exercise situation show correlation. 逐步回归分析显示:BMI与舒张压水平、锻炼情况呈正相关。
Regularities of pressure on surface with sound pressure level and frequency are also given. 并给出了模型表面压力随声压级及频率变化的规律。
Prevent hypertension in general population, reduce blood pressure level in high risk population, and improve patient management. 在一般人群中预防高血压的发生,在高危人群中降低血压的水平,提高高血压病人的管理率。